June 5, 2012 Control Diabetes with Diet 50/50
Control Diabetes with Diet 50/50
Every meal should contain vegetables, breakfast 50% vegetables, lunch 50% vegetables, and dinner 50% vegetables. Read More Here; Control Diabetes Diet
[swfobj src=”http://www.daystarbooks.com/wp_blog/wp-content/uploads//2012/06/4basics.swf”]Diabetes 4Basics[/swfobj]
Eat Right
If not vegetables, then drink green smoothies; just drop some collards, broccoli, spinach, and dandelion leaves into the blender, add water. Drink the smoothie with your breakfast, pour some into a container and take to work for lunch. You could use any combination of green vegetables; cucumbers, celery, leeks, turnip leaves, carrot leaves etc.
The health benefits for your kids health of vegetables are well documented. It’s not just about preventing diabetes; vegetables are a great benefit to the entire body and prevents all types of other diseases; heart, respiratory, visual, skin health etc.
Type 2 : Control Diabetes with Diet
Yes, you can easily, easily control type 2 diabetes by what foods you eat. High sugar, white sugar, white flour, white bread, white dough, pizza crust, white milk or anything with high fructose corn syrup which includes the majority of baked products found at the typical commercial supplied grocery store.
Type 1: Control Diabetes with Diet
True type 1 means that the pancreas is not capable of producing insulin(a natural human produced hormone) However, many individuals are not true type 1 diabetics; they are a variation of diabetics that in some cases mean that the pancreas is still in the insulin production capacity. In these instances, 50/50 diabetes diet can help with the control of diabetes. (Not medical advice–find and ask a good diabetes doctor.) You need to really research to locate a well versed diabetes professional because the mis-diagnosis rate in the medical profession is alarmingly high. I have seen figures somewhere in the area quoted between 8-20%! Read More; Children and Diabetes
Control diabetes eat vegetables with every meal 50/50!
We can all help our kids draw their future without diabetes.
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