February 11, 2012 Diabetes and Food – Diabetes Sold on Every Corner
Diabetes and Food – Diabetes Sold on Every Corner
Fast food is convenient, it is quick to pickup, there is one near you, and they serve every kind of food to satisfy everybody’s taste.
SO, you’re on your way home after a busy day at work and you don’t feel like wasting time fixing dinner. What do you do?
It’s afternoon, you’re driving the family around on a joy ride, the kids express there hunger… you passed a brightly lit fast food sign every few minutes, how do you respond in this situation?
It’s early morning, you want breakfast, a TV commercial replay inside your head and you clearly smell and see a breakfast sandwich floating in your head. Should you fix breakfast yourself, or jump in your car and rush to the nearest corner fast-food outlet?
The choice you make based on each situation described at the beginning of this article, will help or harm you and your family. Let’s take the first instance as described in the diabetes and food opening dialog…
You just made it home from work, it’s Friday and you don’t feel like fixing dinner… what do you do?
If you order in a pizza from your local pizza parlor, that crust is loaded with sugars, HFCS, preservatives along with the chemically saturated meats and hormones that will cause damage to your pancreas and thus make you and your family addicted to man made insulin (natural insulin that was before being created in your body for free) until you over loaded your blood supply with an overdose of carbohydrates over and over and over again. There is a direct link to diabetes and food. Read More... Dangerous Food Addatives
What happens next. you might sometimes feel fatigue, or overly thirsty at times. Maybe you and other family members notice your children are gaining weight, to much weight for their young age.
After a visit to the family doctor it is revealed to you that your child has Type 1 diabetes and you also are diagnosed with pre-diabetic symptoms. But, not to worry your good doctor will rush to express… “their are drugs that can control the diabetes.” The doctor never emphatically state the direct relationship between food and diabetes or Type 1 diabetes and milk (due to possible legal ramifications from the pharmaceutical companies of course.) Learn More About 4 Wins Infants and Milk
Your doctor will write a prescription for your young child and see to it that the child gets a one month addicts supply of insulin, insulin needles and a glucometer.
You and your kid are on your way home, both tired. it’s late in the evening, no body feels like cooking… order another pizza… “large with 3 choices of meat, and one large liter of pancreas killer HFSC liquid, I mean soda pop.”
Summary – Diabetes and Food – Kids Health
SO, you’re not driving down to the hood buying drugs to purposely give your kids to take, no, your’re a law abiding concerned parent, you love your children and would never do anything to put them in danger. You make any sacrifice for their well being, you make your kids food junkies, you feed them BRAND NAME food poison in the name of convenience from poison food outlets with a well lite signage. Read 5 true causes of diabetes... and more here… Cause of Diabetes.
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This series of children books, will attempt to introduce a green diet concept to young children making them aware of the direct relationship between their food choices and food sources. The book will also emphasize the importance of organic (chemical free) food.
Read Free at… DayStarBooks.Com
Purchase the Run Tippy Run direct from the publisher,
DayStarBooks $6.50.
Or, purchase Run Tippy Run
at Amazon $12.15
Kindle version
Run Tippy Run Only $2.99
You can read more about the book here… Draw Me Healthy
See what’s really in that food being advertised on TV… (BlackLight Food Droid.)
Tags: diabetes and food
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- Posted under Diabetes and Children, Diabetes Causes Of
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