Root Cause Analysis (RCA) – Getting to the initial root cause of any diabetes and kids health, social, economic, academic or financial issues.
The Discovered Truth – How Your Kids Get Type 1 Diabetes
After my Misdiagnosis Diabetes episode, a strange observation occurred, I had renounced milk over the past couple years. However, that same week when my diabetes occurred, I had drank at least two gallons of milk—straight from the i gallon carton.
But, would you know that during research about my Misdiagnosis Diabetes the cause of my getting Type 1 diabetes, I discovered that there is a direct link between Type 1 and Milk! This was my first clue as to why a healthy person could contract diabetes. From this discovery, I am on a mission to share what I have learned in my quest for the elusive answer as to how I got diabetes in the first place.
The medical profession is being constantly challenged by various Misdiagnosis Diabetes sub-forms or sub-sets of diabetes such as Type3c and LADA both with similar symptoms that help complicate the proper identification and the of various diabetes types.
The Road To By-Pass Diabetes
The road from potential diabetes-to-diabetes prevention starts with a proper diet. Fast foods, junk foods, chemically enhanced foods are to be avoided.
The proper choice of foods are to include organic veggies, lots of green leafy veggies, plenty of water and should include a simple exercise walking routine–a simple 12 minutes walk can reduce blood sugar levels 2-50 points. These two methods(organic veggies and walking) alone will go a long way in helping you and your family in preventing diabetes. Don’t be fooled by deceptive advertising and labels found in your super markets.
Grocery stores are aware that more consumers are suddenly becoming more educated of labels so they are using such deceptive terms as, Natural, Farm Raised etc.