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Diabetes Prevention Kids

Prevent Diabetes Kids

Vegetables and Diabetes – Help Against Type 2?

“50% Vegetables,  50% Other & Water – No Diabetes!”

Every morning for the past two years I have blended a green organic vegetable smoothie. I drink one to two 8 oz glasses; some people refer to this type of green drink as “drinking raw.”

Green smoothies are easier to fix than mixing a salad. I simply drop a bunch of vegetables into a blender, add water, blend and drink, that’s it! Vegetables and Diabetes and Kids Better Health

Diabetes and Vegetables

I attribute this raw organic vegetable consumption of green smoothies the reason why my health has helped me to defeat the type 2 diabetes. Not to mention the other health benefits that green vegetables provide to the body. Green Leafy Vegetables put slow release carbs(not like sugars which are quick release carbs) into your body.

Vegetables and Lunch?

In the afternoon I sometimes consume a green drink that consist of various high protein grasses, gymnema and chorella powder with my lunch.

Vegetables and Diabetes

Vegetables and Diabetes

Vegetables and Breakfast?

I add cucumber slices to many of my breakfast meals–typically steamed in the mornings. I’m subject to still eat a salad; but my vegetables come from drinking green smoothies.

Health, Vegetables and Diabetes

The more green leafy vegetables you and your family consume the better your health. The more green leafy green organic vegetables your love one consume, the less hospital visits over the years.  The more green vegetables you eat, the lower your blood pressure and healthier body organs. Learn More Vegetables, eating green. Green vegetables help control your carbohydrates control; carbs can help but to many bring harm.

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All content found on the Website, including: including images, or public research and clinical trials data, were supplied for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

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